Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Great Birthday Party

Come to think of it,I've never really held any birthday party of my own all these years,
well,put aside those parties my parents did for me when i was still 5 years old....
it was a long long time ago already....
I usually just spent my birthday with my friends past few years...just went out for some movies,then dine's as simple as that....
well,this year is also quite the same....I wouldn't call it a former birthday party...
but at least there was big birthday cake this time...& there are more people celebrating my birthday compared to last time...I'm glad....thank you all,my friends;p
Ironically,the last birthday sms sent to me,just as the clock almost hit 12 o'clock,was from her...
hmm,...I've to admit I'm surprised..still,I'm kinda glad....i supposed i should be glad that she'd still send me a birthday wishing....
Well,that's how I've spent my birthday this year;p

1 comment:

HuiHong L. said...

Though ur bday had passed so long d, still wanna wish u happy belated birthday!