Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's 2012 & it's now...March (already?)

To be precise ,it's now end of March ,
approaching April (again ,already?)

This shall be my very 1st post in the year 2012 ,
I have no idea what to write about....

After signing in to this blog site since last November , I've just recall that my last post "Moments in 2011 - Part 1"
was supposed to have a part 2 as it only covered the 1st half of 2011... After giving myself some thought ,I've decided that I'm going to leave it as it is, NO part 2 ....

...even though the 2nd half of 2011 may certainly be filled with moments of retributions ,remorse redemption & re- ....
(ok,I've ran out fancy words that starts with re- to insert here ,anyway, that's basically everything...i guess..)

Enough said about 2011, it's past & that's that, end of story...

Now moving on to current date ,which is March 26th of 2012 , which also means Q1 of 2012 has already gone... & it's quite a....not so exciting far.. (well,it's certainly not a bad year , or bad Q1 of 2012 ... I mean, nothing seriously bad happened , just that nothing REALLY interesting happened either thus far ...)
Then again it's only beginning of Q2 at this moment ,so we shall see what happens next...
I got a feeling that anyone who happens to read this post might feel very irritated & annoyed & frustrated by it because the writing is dull ,not informative at all , & even 'emotionless'....(though I doubt that anyone other than the future me will read this blog maybe I shouldn't be worrying much about that...)

More BORING posts next time...

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