Sunday, March 25, 2012

Empty Room

On every weekends , my roommate will go back to his hometown
(which takes around an hour or so of driving from here to
his house there , according to him)
So whenever he goes back home , I'll have the room all by myself ...

Although for the past 3 months , my room has accommodated a
3rd 'unofficial roommate', he's my friend actually , from Penang ,
one of my best friends in fact , which is why I've invited & allowed him
to stay in this tiny room with us for the entire period of
his internship at a company at KL here.
So in other words, I'm no longer "Room Alone" with
my best friend around for the past 3 months...

I'm not complaining actually , in fact I enjoyed the time with him around ,after all it is a great joy sharing a room with your best friend ,
even though the room is a little bit too cramped for 3 guys ,
glad it was only for 3 months ,any longer I might've grown
really frustrated about it....

And so 3 months has passed since then & just few days ago he
finally finished his internship & moved back to Penang ,
& with my original roommate also going back after he submitted his final assignment & started his sem break earlier as he didn't have any paper test ,

I'm FINALLY "Room Alone" again =)

I'm actually a guy that prefers solitude,
though I definitely enjoy hanging out with my best friends ,
but if these people are not as closed as my best friends ,
then I'd rather be left alone...
I've been shopping (not really shopping ,more like window shopping ,or loitering ) alone or watching movie alone from time to time
& I enjoy it very much...

And for the record , I've been keeping a safe distance with basically everyone I've met here at KL for the moment I came down here 3 years ago....Even though I did hang out with people I've met here over the years ,& I did indeed have fun with them ,but I have to say it out quite frankly,I was pretty much putting on a 'Mr. Social Mask' most of the time...(ok , it's impossible for me to fake totally 100% of my true self & emotions during all the time I've spent with people around here , perhaps a half-sided ' Mr. Social Mask' would be more appropriate to describe this situation, kinda like showing half of my true self ,hiding the other half )

But that's about my way of socializing ,
I'm talking about being solitary in where I stay or live...
Most people during their times as students live with their family
most of the time if not all the time , & perhaps only when they are studying overseas or away from their hometown , they started to live alone , or with a bunch of friends/total strangers as their housemates/roommates .However , whenever they are back to their hometown ,back to their own house during holidays , they are back to their families again , their home will never be Empty...

Of course I have family waiting for me at my home too ,
just like any other students out there , but with my mom passed away since I was in primary school , & both of my brothers staying & working at Singapore , I'm pretty much left with my dad in Penang since then. However my dad doesn't really spent much of his time being in the house (he doesn't even sleeps at this house sometimes , it's a long story , people who are closed with me knew about this , people that ain't ...well...if I have the time & mood ,I might write it down some day...)

Perhaps this is partly the reason why I prefer solitude ,
because I've been living in a house with no one else around
most of the time since secondary school (It wasn't really a total home alone experience 24/7 , but even when my dad was at home , he gave me quite a lot of freedom , no curfew , no bed time & that sorts of things)

Being alone in a house or in a room is one thing ,but being alone during midnight is a different kind of experience all together .
You see, I have a habit of staying up at late night ,
especially during weekends (if I'm not on holidays) ever since the end of primary school ( but as I'm growing older , even if I have class the next day ,I wouldn't be falling asleep any time earlier than 2am or 3...)

So what I really enjoy the most is the moment I'm being alone in a room during midnight , because midnight is the most silent period of the day (because everyone else are sleeping , obviously) , & it's colder at midnight too . Being alone in the room during day time doesn't feel quite ...'satisfying'... with all the noises going on around & the hot weather ...

So here I am right now , being Alone in an Empty Room at Midnight...

I can feel myself at this very moment...
(If this ever makes sense to anyone)

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