Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It Ain't Over Yet

Another 3 months has passed,
yet nothing much really changed ...
nor there were much progression going on either...
For many others ,
this period could be the last phrase of one of their many journeys ....
But for me ,
it's not even mid-way from where I stand currently,
even though I've embarked on this journey long before those "many others" ...
With each passing days , my sense of self-worth is gradually diminishing ...
& as such , the distance between me & others are proportionally increasing as well...
But the irony is that I can't stand being totally stay out of any social interactions even though I'm already gotten used to such solitary state...(or I thought I have..)
People are busy ,fine ,
People moved on , good for them ,
I told myself : "There are a lot more of distractions to keep myself occupied"
That wasn't a lie , for the most part , it worked , but unfortunately not for every time...
I'm not as tough as I thought and I certainly didn't expect the negative emotional impacts would be so strong by now...
Indeed It ain't over yet...& it's getting bigger...

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