Thursday, January 2, 2020

Recap 2019 : A Rerun of Past Year

A rerun ,but with a heavier loss than 2018 .

That's basically sums up the year 2019 ,
no happening ,
no excitements ,
no growth ,
no progression ...

& it's gone , it's over .

It's true I started the year without much expectations ,
given how 2018 ended ,
but for the 1st few months of the year I was somewhat hopeful ,
& was naively believe I was making some sort of progressions ,
fantasizing about regaining ,reconnecting some old bond.

All that came to an end when I fall into a trap and lost much of my progressions over the years .

A huge slap back to reality .

The truth was even before I fall into said trap ,
she cut off the remaining ties that I was so desperately trying to reconnect .
The trap simply just dealt the finishing blow onto me.

Then for the rest of the year ,I stopped being hopeful .
I stopped to care for anything or anyone .

I'm still not caring nor hopeful even as I'm writing this ,
& I believe 2020 will be more or less the same moving forward.

We shall see....

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