Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Heart versus Mind

A battle between your own heart & your own mind,which one do you think will win at the end?

What an interesting question,ya?I've been wondering this for quite a long time already,
I guess the answer varies from person to person,& depends on the situation itself......

I lost my mind last time.....I hope i won't repeat the very same mistake again,
but then again,who knows what's next?

'On the battlefield,you'll never figured out what's next'.

This is a line i heard from a game I played ,quite meaningfully actually,
though we are not on the battlefield,but this principle applies on our daily lives as well.
But even so,we can still control & predicts most of our own lives,
But sometimes,many things are just unpredictable,i guess...
& most of all,we often facing lots of dilemma,struggle between decisions,
& the way how we choose our path,
life isn't easy to start with,& it becomes more & more difficult as we move on....

Why do we have all sort of difficulties in our lives?
Sometimes,it's not the problem itself that troubled us,
but it's our mind,our thinking,our mindset that do so......

Our heart,on the other hand,holds our emotions,our desires...
People said:'It's best to just follow our heart'
Well,it's true sometimes,but sometimes it'll just lead us to disaster.....

It's more like gambling actually,
choosing either sides will lead to the same victory,
or same disaster...
But still we can't just blindly follow either of them,
our heart & mind are actually meant to be co-exist,
we can't live without either of them.....

The key is to maintain the balance between them both,
if we could do that,then we could prevent or at least reducing our mistakes,
& of course,so we could live a better life at the end;p

How long will my mind be able control my heart?
It's just a matter of time my heart might forcing me doing something that's too risky,
even though the reward is something that i'd dying for,
but I just couldn't afford to be hurted again if it ends the other way......

I just hope that my heart will forget about everything,
so that my mind won't be having such a hard time controlling it.....

I guess I'm just an idiot after all......

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