Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Interesting Live Show

They said life's just like a stage play,or rather,a live drama;p
The past 3 months of my life can really considered the most interesting moments of my life up until now,I've witnessed the climax of this particular chapter of the play & having quite some difficult time accepting it.....
I thought such plot lines would only appear in novels & movies,& will never ever happen
in my life....but i guess i was wrong,i was too naive to think so.....
Simply put,my ex left me last time & begin an affair with my best friend,who happens to had a girl friend at that very moment,& I knew it all the time,but choose not to interupt or try to stop it from happening,as I thought that it is already none of my business.....
I protected my best friend,I hid the truth away from his girl friend,& believe that he'd quit from keep on fooling around with my ex & finally get back to his girl friend...
I have faith in him,that I told myself he's just hanging around with my ex,& the blame souldn't be on him,it should be on my ex,who tempted him at the 1st place,should anything really serious happens later......
But I guess I was wrong again....
He & his girl friend finally break....well,not because she found out about the affair,but their feelings towards each other were actually fading lately,due to the fact that they both rarely meet each other anymore lately....
But my best friend then decided to tell her the truth when they break...
the result?well,as expected,his girl friend completely went crazy,
I felt bad for his girl friend as me too,also done something bad to her as I decided not to tell her the truth from the very begining.....
Then again,despite such scenario happened,I still believe in him....
But what really dissapointed me is the fact that he really having an affair with my ex ,not just fooling around only....
& he even accused me of being too close with his girl friend & caused him to start an affair with my ex....
How can he treat me like this?despite everything that I've done for him....
so many years of friendship....I'm really dissapointing on him...
What a live show I've just witnessed....

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